"Eating certain foods every day has been proven to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease," say experts from Pathology Lab in Meerut. "There's a great variety of fruits and vegetables to choose from."
When it comes to maximizing results, try to eat foods that are in their natural state, like those that come from the ground.

Laboratory experts from Shriram Pathology Lab say that it can be very hard to change eating habits. However, if you take the right approach, it doesn't have to be that way. Food trackers can be used to determine how much carbohydrates, fat, and salt are being consumed. The best way to make gradual changes is to make them small. Setting small, attainable goals is a better method than trying to drastically change your eating habits all at once.

For better heart health, here are a few diet tips:

Reduce consumption of saturated and Trans fats

People should reduce saturated fats and Trans fats in their diet, say experts from the Pathology Lab in Meerut and all cardiologists. You should get your fats from mono- and poly-unsaturated fats (olive and canola oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, flaxseed, soy, and fatty fish).

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in greater quantities
The goal should be to consume 7 - 9 portions of fruits and vegetables each day to provide a variety of antioxidants, b-vitamins, fiber, and many other plant chemicals that help prevent disease.

Color your plate with rainbow foods
Orange carrots, oranges, kiwis, yellow peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and peaches are a few of the foods you can eat. Diverse nutrients can be obtained by choosing the colors of the rainbow.

Increase your fiber intake
Diets high in fiber are associated with a lower cholesterol level. Carbohydrates that are insoluble in the body are called dietary fiber. Among its principal sources are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fibers affect the digestion and absorption of nutrients as they pass through the body. Dietary fibers are classified as soluble and insoluble. The effects of each are unique on health.

Increase whole grains
The consumption of whole grains should be increased and refined carbohydrate foods should be limited (e.g., white bread, white pasta). Bread made from whole grains, brown rice, barley, bulgur [a whole wheat product], quinoa [a grain like product], whole wheat pasta, whole-grain crackers, and cereals is categorized as whole-grain carbohydrates.

Sugary sodas and sweets should be limited
The consumption of sweets and sugar-sweetened beverages should be restricted. It's not necessary to get rid of them altogether to benefit - just don't consume them as often. It is better to visit twice a month than once week Laboratory experts from Shriram Pathology Lab recommend this highly.
It is recommended by medical experts at Pathology Lab in Meerut that eating a healthy diet will help you prevent another heart attack and prolong your life. If you wish to change your eating habits in a beneficial way, speak with your doctor or a nutritionist.